So much to be thankful as we move into Thanksgiving weekend. Here's just a few of the many blessings our God has poured out on me...
1. Salvation through Jesus Christ.
2. Amazing, beautiful wife, Sarah.
3. Our precious, handsome, growing son, Caleb.
4. Incredible families... who love us, support us, pray for us, etc? Probably the "stressful" choice these week with our families will be do we have a thanksgiving dinner at Hunts on Sunday and then one at Ibbotsons on Monday? or vice versa?
5. A warm house in our cool Canadian winter (which will soon be here) and an even more wonderful home filled with love and joy and grace. (mostly thanks to Sarah!)
6. Food and clothes... and plenty of them!
7. Our country of Canada
8. Work which allows me to use my gifts (teaching, administration & leadership especially) to honour and glorify God and see young people grow in the Lord Jesus Christ.
9. And incredible people to support and work with here at Prairie Christian Academy!
10. Our church community at the Prairie Tabernacle... a group of people that bless us and, we trust, we bless them also!
And so many more blessings too numerous to count! Thank You, Lord.