Monday, August 29, 2011

Why McDonald's Wins in any Economy - Fortune magazine Sept 5, 2011

A great article on my personal favorite restaurant - McDonalds!
Thanks to for the link!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Ten Myths about Calvinism by Ken Stewart

Though I have not read this book, very positive reviews come from individuals across the theological spectrum. I am very happy to see the success of the book because I had the pleasure and privilege of serving at Prairie Bible Institute for a number of years with the book's author, Dr. Ken Stewart.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Do Leaders Need Competition?

by Steve Ibbotson

Just listening to the FAN 960 as I'm sitting here in the office and as part of their golf report, they were considering how Phil Mickelson has not become the world's #1 golfer since the Tiger Woods debacle. Everyone thought he was poised to be move right into top spot if/when Tiger faded, yet the lefty has not been the power everyone expected. Perhaps Mickelson needed Tiger in order to play his best?

I have wondered the same thing about WestJet (Canadian equivalent of SouthWest Airlines). Air Canada has been a perpetual disaster in most ways - customer service, repeated financial help from the government, etc. Yet I believe if they ever did cease operations - as most companies with their track record, financial issues, outrageous contractual obligations, etc would - WestJet might not be far behind. I believe WestJet lives and in fact, succeeds, largely because they have a competitor, Air Canada.

A number of years ago, there was a serious builder in our town who started a construction boom. Soon there was a good competitor, a business that went from a one-man painting company to becoming another serious home builder, restaurant/hotel builder, etc. Now, one of these builders has disappeared from the scene and while builder #2 still is building homes in Three Hills, a number of small local contractors seem to be just as prevalent as seven years ago when there was the two-man building war... in small town TH of all places!

Oh yes, and I'll say it before someone else does: Three Hills and area have eight strongly evangelical local churches in a town of 4000. Really?

So I'm asking the question: Do Leaders Need Competition?
(I'll offer an answer in a future blogpost)

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Beer, Bohemianism & True Christian Liberty

An excellent article by John MacArthur! Thanks to Tim Challies for the link!

Thursday, August 04, 2011

Book Review: On Being a Leader for God by Warren Wiersbe

In the preface, pastor and Bible teacher Warren W. Wiersbe articulates the purpose of this book is to be "a practical 'theology of leadership' based on the principles and illustrated taught in the Bible. As one would expect from a Bible teacher with significant life experience in various contexts, Wiersbe accomplishes this goal well. He admits there won't be ground-breaking new ideas or leadership concepts and there are not. Yet the book is an easy read, well-written, and illustrates the biblical principles of leadership with engaging stories.

The chapters are short (4-7 pages), making the book easy to read, though the lack of chapter headings or titles seems awkward (and of course this means there is no "table of contents" to guide you through). An outline never became clear as one read, though the book didn't seem scattered either and chapters generally flow in a logical sequence, though again some formal titles would be beneficial.

Though it is not particularly academic, I would recommend this book for an introductory college (or high school) course on leadership as it coverse Biblical principles well and interacts with some general leadership concepts thoughtfully.