I have heard Dr David Jeremiah’s radio program “Turning Point” at various times and have heard that his books are excellent also. So the opportunity presented to my by Thomas Nelson Publishers to review Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World was a great chance to finally read one of his books. (hereafter referred to as LCCW)
LCCW is a good read. Good introductory chapter on the crises that have rocked the world in the last year. Ten solid chapters of biblical teaching with alliterated points “Stay C---“ – calm, compassionate, constructive, challenged, connected, centered, confident, consistent, committed, convinced. When Dr Jeremiah refers to a specific Scripture passage, he explains its relevance to issues in 2009 well. Overall, LCCW is solid reading for continued Christian growth. You can’t go wrong with good, biblical teaching.
Nonethelesss, I cannot say that I recommend you rush out and buy LCCS right away. If you do, that’s fine and it will provide you with reading material that is a good reminder of biblical principles for life. Yet it did not provide me as a reader with any particular insights or observations or connections that were beyond the ordinary – as I may have expected. It did not take a particular biblical book or chapters and relate it to the issues of 2009. Except for the chapter on “Stay Connected,” it did not really touch on specific applications of biblical principles that were unique to 2009, or that could not have been made 5, 10 or 50 years ago.
LCCW is a solid book, yet there are many good Christian living books available on the market (admittedly there’s also lots of junk too!). While the content of the book provides good reminders for the believer, there was nothing particularly challenging to this reader, leaving me a bit disappointed (though no less appreciative of Dr Jeremiah’s ministry).
This book was provided for review by Thomas Nelson publishers.