Another chance to get a Max Lucado book for free... I signed up! Again, I am not disappointed, though I did not find this book as super as Outlive Your Life by Lucado.
Max on Life purposes to answer the variety of life questions that have come to the author by virtue of his position and prominence as a writer and pastor. Of course, this opens the door for the first obvious criticism: Lucado has just cut and spliced sections from his plethora of books and inserted the answer. There are certainly places where this does seem to have happened, and the answer given does not seem to really closely relate to the question as much as be a generic answer to this general area of questions (eg. suffering).
The second obvious criticism relates to thoroughness or depth. Because he has attempted to answer each question in less than two printed pages (most are one printed page at most), the answers at times seem too simplistic or "surface" rather than providing indepth spiritual principles/foundations for the deep questions of life.
Having identified two easy criticisms, and recognizing that there are questions asked where these two criticisms are legitimate, overall, Max on Life is a theologically solid book that comes across reasonably sensitive and practical. There are places where Lucado could have provided a bit more theological depth and general biblical principles. However, his advice in each answer is direct, pastoral, and fully biblical.
Overall there is no hesitation in recommending this book.
This book was provided for review by Thomas Nelson Publishers and Graf-Martin.