Friday, February 26, 2010

Latest Pictures of Rachel

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Q&A with Phil Ryken, Wheaton's Next President

Nice interview with Phil Ryken who has recently been selected to serve as Wheaton College's next president. Solid leadership philosophy comes through in the interview.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Book Review - Love & War by John & Stasi Eldredge

I was hoping I could read Love & War: Finding the Marriage You've Dreamed Of in reasonably quick time as it arrived just in time for Valentine's Day... though ideally I wanted to read it through together with my wife the first time. However, the Eldredge's have written another excellent book... yet like their other works, it takes some time to digest sections of each chapter. Thus I have not finished reading the book... and will try to read it through with my wife on a second reading. Nonetheless, there are already three comments I can make:

1) The Eldredge's bring 25+ years of marriage experience to their writing, in addition to years of pastoral counseling. I have been married for less than three years and believe my wife and I have a fairly healthy marriage with good, open communication. Reading this book may help us go deeper together and consider potential future issues before they arise. Nonetheless, for me to "critique" this book seems potentially arrogant, at the very least risky.
2) The Eldredge's are vulnerable and authentic about the truth that marriage is hard work (even) for two people who sincerely love each other and desire to follow Christ. The stories they share, and the way in which they frame the discussion with their gifted word-smithing, provide real examples of the challenges a couple may face and they aren't afraid to get nitty-gritty, even making one uncomfortable.
3) While the Eldredge's previous books (especially John's) have been questioned for theological concerns, thus far Love & War shows a strong, orthodox theology of creation, humanity individually and corporately, marriage, sin, salvation and eschatology.

I am thoroughly enjoying this book and would recommend it to any Christian couple.

This book was provided by WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing for review.

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Recent pictures of Rachel

Recent pictures of our precious little lamb, Rachel.
<--January 16

January 27

February 9