Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Tomorrow (Thursday September 28) is Prairie Bible College's Day of Prayer for the Fall semester. It is wonderful to serve at a school that sets aside a day to intentionally help our students focus on the discipline and privilege of prayer. In line with looking forward to the Day of Prayer, I realized last night as I did my brief devotional reading for the evening, that I have not even been thinking about one of my personal goals for the year, never mind actually doing that goal: to spend 15 minutes a day in silence before God.

For any person, it is difficult to hear the voice of God in the midst of life's busyness. It is even more important for leaders to take time and just be silent before God. And thus, I appreciate the reminders and opportunities set aside to do so, like PBC's Day of Prayer. When I take the time to be in silence with God, I find that a) it calms and relaxes me, b) I see a different perspective on a concern/issue, c) I am better able to differentiate between what is good and best, what is a "critical success factor" and what is an average task to be done, d) I am significantly more likely to hear God's still small voice.

So - even if you can't have a day of prayer set aside in your schedule - take a few minutes and just be silent before God. (Psalm 46:10)

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