Those of you who know me will understand that I am NOT particularly good at saying "NO" to various opportunities to be involved in many sorts of activities. And I'm usually quite glad - and even proud - to be involved in lots of activities, whether those relate to Prairie Bible College life, Prairie Tabernacle ministries, sports, etc.
So I just wanted to blog today and let you know that I said "NO" the other night at the first meeting of our new elders board at Prairie Tabernacle. I believe (with evidence) there were some who wanted me to continue serving as the chair of the board of elders. Various ones have been very kind and affirming of my abilities and talents in this area of leadership and I do enjoy this type of ministry. Of course, glory to God for providing the abilities, talents and working through me!
Nonetheless, I believed very strongly that for at least the next year, I needed to not serve in any "executive" position on the elders board - and so I said "NO"! (Really, I did... and I'm so proud!!!)
The first reason I said "no" is because of a leadership philosophy that believes leadership needs to be broad, not just held in the hands of one (or a few) person(s). I think right now most people in the Prairie Tabernacle would be comfortable as I stayed as chair. But this is not good for the congregation to have one person always in the lead. There are other elders capable of leading and just because people like Steve, and feel comfortable with Steve leading a meeting (and Steve enjoys it too!!!), does not mean it is in the long-term good of the congregation. We have all seen leaders who refuse to let go of a position and thus leave a dearth of other leaders in five, ten, or 20 years when they finally die, retire or get pushed out. Just cuz I'm not "old" (compared to a senior citizen) doesn't mean I am immune to the same temptation. So the first and primary reason I said "no" was because Leadership needs to be shared.
Secondly, I am not sure that I will be living in Three Hills for a long time. No, I don't have specific plans to move in the next months - okay, I will move into my fiance's home after our wedding on May 5th - but I don't want to commit to leading the elders board when I may not be here for the whole time. And with various things happening in the next few months, my schedule will not allow me to really function as the chair should.
Thirdly, I have new responsibilities as a husband that will begin soon and so I want to be faithful to that call from God. Now I do NOT agree that I should be "exempt" from all ministry responsibilities because I am getting married. There are those who probably think I should "take a year off from the elders board when I get married." After all, in the OT didn't a soldier get a year off from war when he was newly married? Yes... - and I don't think that serving as an elder at a church should be viewed as WAR!!! If it is, you probably don't want to serve on that elders board at any time, not just when you are newly married.
So, I said NO because I believe God has called me to say "no." And I actually listened, despite urgings - from others and even selfish ambition - to say otherwise.
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