Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Being Thankful for minimal employment

At the present time I am "minimally employed." What that really means is I am a sessional instructor - that sounds so much better than adjunct (add-junk) faculty - with Prairie College of Applied Arts & Technology. I am teaching one course, Interpersonal Communication (SS 150) which meets four days a week October 29-December 13. Otherwise, I have no formal employment with an organization.

I am hoping this employment situation changes soon and am sending out resumes/curriculum vitaes as I see possible openings. I am also trying to network in various ways for offer my speaking/preaching abilities for pulpit supply, youth or other church retreats, etc. In preparation for these I am trying to work on a some shorter (and longer) sermon series, often based on class preparation from courses I have taught. I'm also considering how some of the shorter messages could be used for free e-books available through my blog (pdf files). Needless to say, I am not very good at sitting still and I very much feel like I need to "go to the office" each weekday, even though the class does not meet until 2:50 pm and there is minimal preparation needed as I have taught the course recently.

Nonetheless, I am trying to make the most of the current "minimally employed" situation and can already see God using these circumstances to help me see blessings instead of frustration. Today, Sarah had a meeting so I was able to stay home with the girls (Caleb was at pre-school). Likewise, we had extended family around last week and so since I did not have a pressing responsibility on Friday morning, we had them over for morning tea and I just enjoyed hanging out with the family. Last Tuesday, Sarah wanted to get the 10% Tuesday shopping done at IGA, and so it worked best for her to complete that before going with the children to our church's Mom's Time Out, so I stayed home while she did that from 8:30-9:30 am and then headed to the office. So, while I am not happy or enjoying the situation, I will take this is a blessing from God's hand and (try to) continue to trust Him and His good will. Sola Deo Gloria!

1 comment:

Krista said...

We like to think of it for some quality Daddy time in our house. We will keep you in our prayers though,
The Ewerts