Wednesday, September 13, 2006

House - "God doesn't limp"

If you are not a regular watcher of the television show, "House MD" then
a) you should start watching immediately! (okay next Tuesday on Fox/Global will have to do) and b) you won't understand this posting very well.

I am an avid "House, MD" fan mainly because I identify with him too well. I think there are at least three reasons:
1) He is brilliant and so am I.
2) He is proud, sometimes abrasive, brash, apparently uncaring, and not really worried about either of those. If the first statement above didn't make that obvious, ditto again for me.
3) He has a physical handicap that does NOT define him as a man, even though people often think it does. Again, ditto.

Hence, when the "Cane and Able" episode (Tues Sept 12) concluded with Dr House being told that Dr Wilson and Dr Cuddy did not want him to know that he had been correct about a previous diagnosis (the previous week's episode) because he needed some humility, otherwise he'd think he was God, Dr. House's reply "God doesn't limp" was just the perfect answer. (I am still in awe of the incredible writing of that final scene even a week later!)

You see, as a person with a visible physical disability, who likely does overcompensate for that by expressing over-confidence, even pride or cockiness, I also am aware - way more than most people get to see - that I am NOT perfect. Only God is perfect and whole and complete. I see my imperfections every day when I look in the mirror or have to get in my power wheelchair or cannot reach something on a not-that-high shelf. I know I am not "perfect" - physically, spiritually, emotionally, etc.

But when I am good and excellent at something, I do not want that gift/talent to be taken away. I am very much, often painfully, aware of what I canNOT do. But don't take away or discredit what I can do... and then try to explain/justify that you are doing so to help me learn humility or any other lesson... and I will be as angry/frustrated as Dr House.

Its amazing that God chooses, and in fact enjoys using weak, imperfect tools to accomplish His purposes and show His glory. I know that I am not God... Dr House knows that he is not God.... because God doesn't limp.


Anonymous said...

That was just awesome, that episode still fresh in my mind!

Zee said...


isn't it amazing how sometimes even the mundane things (well, some people, who haven't watched House yet consider the show a mundane thing) can bring us a deeper understanding of what life is and...

thanks for sharing :)

Anonymous said...

brilliantly said mate. brilliant.

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