Thursday, May 03, 2007

Out of the Office

I will be officially out of the office beginning tomorrow, May 4 - though some of you may have felt I had disappeared already in the past couple days. I will not be back to the office until Monday May 14.

Meanwhile, it is just over 48 hours until the wedding ceremony begins. Yes, the stress levels are increasing... as it gets down to the last details and "crunch time." Likewise the excitement builds in anticipation of a wedding day that will honour God's Name and even moreso officially start a marriage that will also honour and bless His Great Name.

Though it is fairly overcast here in Three Hills this morning, as I came down the hill and passed the RDAC, I was singing (to myself), "Our God is an Awesome God," and then "How Great is our God" including the Chris Tomlin bridge to "Then Sings my Soul" - and I just couldn't help but cry tears of joy at how INCREDIBLE God is and has been to me, esp in the past few months. These days, we know many people who are experiencing real sorrow and pain (and out of respect for their privacy won't mention names) - and at the same time are "celebrating" with and for us. I've been on the other side of the fence, and want to make sure that in my exuberance and excitement, I don't get wrapped up in myself. As the saying goes, "anyone wrapped up in themselves is a pretty small package."

Meanwhile, Sarah and I continue to be incredibly blessed by soooo many people, some of whom we know by name and to have a conversation with, but would not generally consider "close friends" and yet God is pourly out His generosity and kindness to us through them in ways that are actually overwhelming, even embarassing. I do not deserve such kindness, but again, "every blessing He pours out, we will turn back to praise." (from the song Blessed Be Your Name)

One last thing before I sign off: Of course the best blessing of this whole wedding is that Sarah will be my wife. I love her more every day (really, its not just a romantic line) - for what she does, how she does it, and most importantly who she is. Of all the many blessings God has lavished upon me this year, Sarah is truly too incredible for words and all I can do is THANK GOD for HIS grace and kindness in giving me a wife of such true beauty.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

congratulations, steve and sarah! :)


josh & rebecca