Saturday, December 13, 2008

A day in Caleb's life (9 months old)

Mommy took most of these pictures and daddy decided to post them on his blog so you can see what I keep them busy with most of the day. (Admittedly these pictures are not all from the same day) Enjoy!

Sometimes I get to start my day by visiting mommy & daddy's bed when I wake up. Usually this is only on Saturdays, but it was a Flex Friday this week to I got to do this two days in a row! I am always smiling and ready to go for the day.

I didn't even know the song, but I got my two front teeth this last week... just in time for Christmas. Mommy feeds me the most wonderful food at the table, and this week I got to chew a piece of celery. (Dad made a lame joke about "Now I really am starting to chew away his "salary." Oh well, at least my grandpas will appreciate the pun.)

Along with lots of good meals, I enjoy playing with my many toys!

However, I am also learning to be helpful, especially to mommy now that I am 9 months old. This week I helped to do the laundry, specifically with the drying of my wonderful (cloth) diapers. I'm sure a helpful fellow!

I do like to walk around the house lots and my dad is willing to help me. We have lots of fun! Both me and daddy had a red sweater and a pair of blue jeans on this day, so mommy thought it would be a nice picture.

At the end of the day, I very much enjoy my bath time! I play with the rubber duckies in the tub and I also like to splash in the water... lots!
After that, I have a little bedtime snack, we read my Bible story and pray, and then I usually doze off in mommy's arms.

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