Thursday, December 03, 2009

Stephen Harper visits China - An example of good leadership

Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper's visit to China over the past few days has drawn lots of media coverage due to the Chinese government's "reaction" to his absence until now. Nonetheless, from my perspective, Harper has done our country proud by standing firm on the major human rights issues that exist in China, especially in regards to people of faith. He has even risked "financial benefits" for our country for doing so... and now will be reaping the rewards.
In addition to a leader standing up for an important issue even at the risk of financial loss, Harper has also been wise in being culturally sensitive and not in any way attempting to talk about specific issues in public contexts (eg. press conferences) and bring shame upon the Chinese leaders. This would be catastrophically detrimental to the Canada-China relations as well as to the hope of bringing resolution to the issue. Thanks Stephen Harper for being an example of good leadership!

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