Monday, August 20, 2012

Another reminder: "O Ye of little faith"

After a slightly embarrassing phone call Thursday indicating a couple of automatic payment bills had been processed and our bank account was now overdrawn, I deposited a couple of reimbursement checks that came on Friday to put our account safely in the black. Recognizing a mortgage payment was due, I checked the account this morning and lo-and-behold, the balance was considerably more than when I left the bank! Now I really had to check the account details.

Since Anna Joy was a home birth, registration of her birth certificate, social insurance number, and related paperwork leading to the Canadian child tax benefit has taken longer to be processed. With Caleb and Rachel, this paperwork was completed at the hospital and things happened within a month or two. We finally submitted the final documents about six weeks ago, hoping we would get the payments in July. Alas, that did not go through but... we feel like we won the lottery when it came through for August... and at just the right time.

Again, to say that we were "struggling financially" when you live in North America is itself arrogant. Likewise, to say that we were "tight" is an exaggeration also, as there are specific designations of our income we could move around to have more wiggle room. God has provided richly, beyond imagination, for us, and we are so grateful. Nonetheless, in my conscientiousness - also known as worrying! - I was getting more than a little antsy and feeling slightly irresponsible for leaving my family in this financial pinch.

So, the little surprise when I checked the bank account this morning was another reminder from the Lord: "O ye of little faith. I care for the sparrows. How much more will I take care of you?"

1 comment:

The Sidekick said...

Thank you for this encouragement and testimonial today, and for the timely reminder from the Lord Jesus Christ Himself who would say to me, to each one of us, "Of course I will take care of you; I AM taking care of you!"