Thursday, November 24, 2011

Gratitude for those who have helped me in leadership

John Maxwell's latest Leadership Wired newsletter includes an essay titled "Leadership in Dependence: An Attitude Inspiring Gratitude" and focuses on the need for leaders to realize that they have come to their place/position of influence because of many people who have helped them along the way.
I want to express my appreciation to the following people for the role they have played in my life and contributing to any success God has blessed me with in leadership.

  • My parents, John & Wendy Ibbotson - ways too numerous. Bottom line: I had every opportunity for success because of a safe, secure, nurturing home I was raised in.
  • Mr. Fred Stidham - the grade 6 teacher who one day in a passing comment said, "Steve, you could become a teacher someday."
  • Dr Charlotte Kinving-Bates - for believing that I could develop into a leader from the time I graduated from high school and provided opportunities for me to lead in various ways. In one of her leadership development classes in 1996, I began an annual personal development plan that I have used, reviewed, and updated every year.
  • The people of the Prairie Tabernacle Congregation - a group of people, many in their senior years, who have served around the world in various capacities, gave a young, single, 25 year old the chance to serve as an elder among them. I have been privileged to serve as an elder for 12 of the last 14 years, including some years as chair.
  • Gonzaga University - a school that sought to open the doors to students from various aspects of life to study in the Doctor of Philosphy in Educational Leadership program... and that new what an MDiv was because they trained Jesuit priests!
  • Paul Nigh, Jason Ewert & principal Randy Wood at Prairie Christian Academy - you have helped me use my administrative gifts and demonstrated "get it done" leadership that makes things happen in two contexts (public school/academia and Christian non-profit organization) that can be frustratingly restrictive.
  • Many individuals in formal leadership positions locally and globally who I've watched and tried to learn from.
Of course, thanks to the Lord for providing me with so many people and opportunities to lead God's people by serving God's people.

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