Monday, April 02, 2007

Tears for Blessing

A combination of three "things" converged last night. First, I'd made the comment in our Spiritual Formation & the Church class the other day (Wed or Thurs) that "I find its always valuable to have a good cry every couple of months." Second, my incredible fiance, Sarah, had her bridal shower last Sunday (March 25) and we have been amazed at the incredible generosity of people towards her (us). In addition to the gifts last Sunday, every day last week (literally) she received a couple more gifts, one or two were wedding gifts, but most were bridal shower gifts. And it has been simply overwhelming. Third, last night, after a great dinner at Samosa Grill in Calgary to celebrate Sarah's birthday with Mom & Dad Hunt and Jon, and Mom & Dad Ibby and Amanda, and after reading Scripture and praying together, my beautiful bride-to-be started humming the words to the song "In His time," having read the phrase from Ecclesiastes 3:11 that was noted in another bridal shower gift stood out - "He has made everything beautiful in His time." And so those three things converged and I just had a little cry with tears of blessing. Both Sarah and I have heard that song - and a few dozen others like it - and talked to God knowing it was true, believing it was true, and yet not seeing how/when the Lord would work that out. And now to see God's incredible grace to bring that to each of us together... its really is overwhelming. I headed back to my house shortly thereafter, had a bit more of a cry in my bedroom and then turned on ShineFM and the second song that played was another of those songs - More than Enough (Chris Tomlin?). Thank You Lord!

PS There were other incredible blessings also last week that I'll talk about in a future posting.

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