Sunday, October 07, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

Given that it is Thanksgiving weekend, I should pause and share a few of the MANY things I have to be thankful - though as Mark Buchanen shared in PCA chapel on Thursday, being thankful is one of the signs of a person who is "dangerous" for Christ... and of course, any good leader knows that the last thing one says is "thank you" (I believe that's a Max DePree quote, but I'm not 100% sure!)

First of all, I am so thankful for the gift of life, physically, but also spiritually through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Second, I am so thankful for my family... and esp this year for my amazing wife, Sarah, and are new baby that is due in March 2008. And yes, I love my mother and father and siblings, and my mother-in-law and father-in-law and new sibling-in-laws too. I thought I already had one amazing family... and God has blessed me/us with another incredible family that prays for us, supports us, encourages us, and loves us! WOW!

Thirdly, I'm thankful for my brothers and sisters in Christ, esp those we fellowship with at Prairie Tabernacle (shameless plug: check out the new website). We are soooo blessed with Pastor Tim Strickland and his wife, Carol, and their family. They are a gift of God to our congregation and also good friends!

I could go on forever thanking God for all His blessings... but you don't have time to read them all and I don't have time to type them all. So, happy thanksgiving!

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