Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Reflections after our baby’s birth (aka “Post-game reflections”)

Various reflections from Steve’s perspective on the events of the past weekend – some interesting, some funny, some… enjoy!

1) “Dr Steve” and Dr Swinton sat around the delivery room while the women did all the work. It felt rather helpless as a husband to be able to do nothing to help my wife with her pain. It was wonderful to be there and I was glad I was “supportive”... but you can also understand why saying “you’re doing great honey!” or “things are progressing well” gets rather pathetic and unconvincing after 4-5 hours of “labour.”

2) “Oh yes, make sure you get a picture of the placenta for Lois.” Dr Swinton was a little surprised by this request... but I did get the picture as requested.

3) Our two moms were both amazing help all day Saturday as they encouraged, counted and blessed Sarah and I with their support during the labour and delivery. We are so blessed to have such amazing family support around us here in Three Hills!

4) Our Senior Pastor, Tim Strickland, was away on the weekend and so when I talked to his wife, Carol, she was so excited to be able to tell him the news, rather than the other way around (since people usually call the church office and then he gets to tell his wife).

I also told Tim that Caleb was glad to be born just before a Sunday when Pastor Tim was not preaching so that he did not miss any of the sermon series. (Though we have heard excellent reports of the message James Janzen brought on Sunday! Check out the church website)

5) Tim & Carol and their children did get to the hospital just before we checked out on Monday evening and Tim wanted to pray with us before they left, but Sarah had stepped out of the room with the nurse to get the final paperwork talked through and so Tim said, “I’ll pray even though Sarah’s not here,” to which I replied, “I’m sure it will still be efficacious.” Tim laughed with/at me and then Carol said, “oh my, I guess that’s the kind of joke two theologians can appreciate.” Yeah, we two theologians enjoy some fun jokes and yet when I see the respective wifes that the Lord has blessed each of us with, I think we are both amazed beyond words… that two nerdy, geeky, theological detail freaks who were born in Toronto in 1972 each have a beautiful, fun, loving wife who is also an incredible partner in life, family and ministry.

Tim was speaking in Bow Island, AB at a church where a former PBC faculty member and long-time family friend, Mike DeRidder is Senior Pastor. And is associate pastor is Roger Lobb, who graduated from PHS/PCA in 1989 with me. When Tim shared the news of Caleb’s birth with them, he got another laugh as Roger told his wife, “Yeah Steve had a baby!” to which his wife replied, “I didn’t know Steve was married.” Roger replied, “Oh yeah, I’m sure I told you about that.” Tim felt that was a true “pastor’s comment” – sure he’d told his wife all the news… when he really had not!

6) There’s been some “fun” discussion of whether Caleb will be a basketball player – like the Hunt side of the family (Grandpa Marlowe & Uncle Jon esp) or a hockey player. With Caleb’s active little hands and legs, we think he will be a great skater with good stickhandling skills and/or a great big man inside with good footwork and ready to slam dunk the basketball!


Rebecca Nicolson said...

How about some close-ups of the little fellow????

Tim said...

Congratulations Steve and Sarah!
Go Caleb Go!!!

Just a few words for Caleb:

1. It was good of you to be born at a time when you wouldn't miss a beat in the current sermon series, however I can't help but note that you waited until after last week's tithing sermon to be born. I can email you the notes...

2. If your dad suggests that you should cheer for a certain southern Albertan fire-themed NHL franchise, just remember, blue and white are your favourite colours along with a big maple leaf!! ...and though the Buds have not won the Cup in mine or your dad's lifetime, there's always a chance next year...or as they usually start saying around this time of year..."it's still mathematically possible..."

3. Just to clarify your dad's comments...he and I are actually 'hip' 'cool' 'with it' etc... theologians, not to be confused with geeky nerdy etc... theologians...actually who am I kidding, your dad's the hip & cool theologian, I just read Wayne Grudem.

4. Being raised by your two smart parents, you should be able to use 'effacious' in a sentence by age 2. i.e. "The Flames' scoring efforts have not been effacious".

Oh one more thing...I'm not actually sure Roger Lobb said after he told his wife that Steve had a baby and she said "Steve's married?" I think I must have told Steve my estimation of what I imagine the conversation would have been after that, which would have been pretty typical for a pastor...missing telling the important points his wife would want to know!!!

God's richest blessings on you Caleb, your parents and on the whole Ibbotson & Hunt clans!

Stephanie said...

Congratulations Steve and Sarah!