Tuesday, August 12, 2008

What I'm reading

As one might expect, the summer months are a little slower for those involved in education (whether K-12 or post-secondary) and a good chance to do some reading. So, here's a few books I am/have been reading...

Alexander Strauch, Leading with Love (Littleton, CO: Lewis & Roth Publishing, 2006) - Our elders board worked through Strauch's book on biblical eldership a couple years ago and so when I saw this title by Strauch I thought it might be worth reading. And it was... very challenging, and of course biblical. Strauch seems to have a way of presenting very direct and pointed personal challenges in a way that is tender and pastoral. A good read!

Rowland Forman, Jeff Jones & Bruce Miller, The Leadership Baton (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2004) - I am not quite finished this book, though I'm about 80% through it. Again, nothing particularly new yet a good reminder of the importance of being intentional in passing on leadership to others. Also very practical!

Wess Stafford, Too Small to Ignore (Colorado Springs, CO: Waterbrook Press, 2005) - I heard about this book from my mother-in-law and I'm about 80% of the way through this book also. Incredibly well-written and very challenging. Also some great challenges for church leaders and/or those involved in education of elementary and secondary school students! Also this book is not without mention of the difficulties the author experienced during his growing up years as an MK in a boarding school in West Africa... and reading of this and doing some further online tracking has raised a couple other interesting leadership questions in my heart and mind.

Looking forward to reading and reviewing Mark Batterson's newest book, Wild Goose Chase for this blog in the days to come. Stay tuned...

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