Friday, July 29, 2011

Psalm 16 & Heritage Day Weekend

It is a Friday afternoon and in most of Canada, today begins a long weekend! In Alberta, the holiday is called Heritage Day. In my reading the other day, I was reflecting on Psalm 16 and it seems to be a good fit for a blog entry as the Heritage Day weekend commences. So here are some of my reflections:

Psalm 16:5-6
Lord, you have assigned me my portion and my cup;
you have made my lot secure.
The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places;
surely I have a delightful inheritance.

Next Friday, we take possession of our new home here in Three Hills. Sarah has been packing diligently for the past two weeks and I have done a couple things this week. It will be busy next weekend, but we are soooo blessed to be able to purchase this home. However, as blessed as we are with this home, the past few weeks have been even more amazing as we have seen God answer prayer in related matters:
a) the mobile home we currently live in was rented within hours of us putting out word it would be available;
b) Sarah enjoys having homestay students and so we applied and have already been accepted. One young lady has already been "assigned" to our home and we are open to another. Yes, this provides a bit of supplementary income without being an income (covers R&B), but more importantly, it means our home (space) can be a blessing to others.
c) My current employment position is being cut from full-time to half-time and yet no other "income options" were opening... until this week when a chance to teach a couple courses for PBI/PCAAT in the fall semester were available. Even more amazing... except to God who is in control of it all... both classes fit the schedule and do not conflict with the key components of my role, even being half-time.

However, this is simply a small part of the truth of Psalm 16 in my life. I could talk for hours/pages about how this Psalm plays out in my life... from the amazing wife God has blessed me with in Sarah, to our amazing two children, Caleb and Rachel, to the incredible extended family we have on both sides, to various friends near and far, the opportunities to impact lives here in Three Hills and around the world, I could go on and on. Indeed, "apart from you (Lord), I have no good thing."

So as this Heritage Day weekend begins, I trust reading this blog entry will encourage your heart that God IS watching out for you and will guard/protect/watch over you... especially when the future seems uncertain. To Him be honour and glory!

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