Thursday, October 27, 2011

Thankful for "nothing"

Yesterday I had my annual cardiologist appointment at the Peter Lougheed Hospital in Calgary. After a six-minute walk test as part of tracking a medication's effectiveness, an echocardiogram (ECG), and an electrocardiogram (EEG), I visited with my cardiologist, his assistant, and a new doctor working with him. As they asked the standard questions (eg. swelling, chest pain, dizziness, etc.) and if there was anything new in the last year, I gave "no" answers. It was all very boring. Why I haven't even had a nosebleed in the past year! As the doctor summarized the appointment, "well, we're glad you came in so that we could find out that you and Sarah are expecting child #3 in January. Be sure to send us some pictures when baby arrives."

I realize I don't stop often enough to thank the Lord for this complete lack of news. When "nothing" is happening (medically) and life is going by in an orderly fashion, I need to make sure I stop and praise Him for His gracious hand upon my life in so many ways. His amazing kindness extended to me, not only far beyond what I deserve, but far beyond what medically seems comprehensible. So, thanks for nothing, Lord!

1 comment:

Andrew and Aimée said...

We thank God along with you for "nothing". ;-)

The Janzens