Friday, January 27, 2012

Thoughts on President Obama's State of the Union Address

Though I am thoroughly and proudly Canadian, there is a challenging article "The State of the Union and the State of the Pulpit" at the Ordinary Pastor blog.
Read the full text of the January 23, 2012 State of the Union address.

Though I do not consider myself even a novice on American politics, at this point I feel President Barack Obama is a lock to win re-election. Even though I disagree with many of the Democrat perspectives on issues,  Obama is doing what he said he would do, and he has the charisma to sell it and the gumption to do it! Meanwhile, the Republicans are trying to decide whether they will select a candidate, Mitt Romney, who is a multi-millionaire and had to be "forced" to make his income public or Newt Gingrich, one who has a 40-year history in the kind of politics Obama keeps pointing out as ineffective for regular Americans (and he's right!). As well, Newt has made a pretty regular habit of mis-speaking in catastrophic, politically incorrect and insensitive ways!

1 comment:

Mike and Norma said...

Heaven forbid Obama wins the election. May God spare America that fate. Charisma he has aplenty it's true, more's the pity, because with it he has succeeded in pulling the wool over the eyes of many who would, if they knew where he was coming from, be in fundamental disagreement with and opposition to his socialist goals for America. It continually amazes us that though conservative Americans are appalled at what he is doing, Canadians of any stripe somehow still think Obama is wonderful. Recommend you read "If You Voted for Obama in 2008 to Prove You're Not a Racist, You Need to Vote for Someone Else in 2012 to Prove You're Not an Idiot" by Dr. Neil Snyder (Ralph Beeton Professor Emeritus at the University of Virginia); also recommend, and to get the truth--which the predominantly leftist media consistently obscures.