Monday, January 02, 2012

Book Review: The Resolution for Men

Apart from Pastor Robert Lewis' Authentic Manhood DVD series & books, I have heard about few resources for men that really present biblical truth in a thorough, comprehensive (not just selected topics) and practical manner. The newly release The Resolution for Men by Stephen & Alex Kendrick (brothers) along with Randy Alcorn, may become the new standard for aligning men with the biblical teaching on the roles and responsibilities of men as husbands, fathers, etc. Apparently the book is also aligned with the movie "Courageous" (Sherwood Pictures Ministry).

Even before the introduction, a page clearly begins stating "Weak men will not be able to handle the contents of this book..." (Admittedly, a bit of reverse psychology because what man is going to say "Oh, I better stop. I probably can't handle this.") As the Kendricks say in the introduction, this book is an unapologetic challenge to men to make the resolution (on page 5) and actively stand for righteousness in all area of life. The remaining chapters then explain each portion of the resolution as it relates to a man's personal relationship with God, with his wife, children, community, work and society.

While not ungracious or tactless, the Kendricks are very direct and give clear Biblical explanation of key principles and concepts, along with appropriate Scriptures. They deal head on with cultural "rules" that are contrary to the biblical teaching (eg. spanking children), yet clearly delineate all aspects of correct Christian application (eg. discipline vs abuse; not spanking when a parent is angry).

I cannot highly recommend this book enough and look forward to seeing men in our community challenged by this teaching.

Book has been provided courtesy of David C Cook and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.
Available at your favourite bookseller from B&H Publishing Group".

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