Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Book Review: Heaven is Now by Andrew Farley

The sub-title of this book is what peaked my interest - "awakening your five spiritual senses to the wonders of grace." I am a left-brained, linear, thinker... not at all intuitive and not much of a "sensing" person. Thus, I figured this book would be a good stretch for me and my faith.

The author sets out to explain how we experience heaven here and now, on earth. In five sections, he presents how 1) We can feel the freedom of God's grace, 2) we can hear the Spirit bearing witness, 3) we can see the finished work of Jesus, 4) we can smell the fragrant aroma of Christ, and 5) we can taste the goodness of the Lord. While each theological area is clearly articulated, it unfortunately only appealed to my intellect, not my senses.

This was a thoroughly understandable and reasonable book to my way of thinking. The theology in this book was superb! A good mix of Old Testament and New Testament with thorough explanation of key verses throughout. The author did a great job of examining common evangelical phrases and ways of talking about faith, that actually contradict Scripture (even though well-intentioned). This was a superb theology text! Farley concluded each chapter with a "Heaven Speaks" section that summarized the truth of Scripture on the topic as if spoken from God (with Scripture references noted at the end) and then a reply in the form of a prayer.

However, this reader did not feel challenged with anything new - new information, new ways to think about Christian faith issues.  It was what I would wish to write as a logical, thinking person who would explain how to "sense" and "feel" things in an orderly fashion. In its purpose it disappointed the reader, though it contains plenty of excellent, bibilical content.

Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc. 
Available at your favourite bookseller from Baker Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group"

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